
BES System

The BES Budget, Expense, and Savings System is a simple tool designed to help individuals manage their finances effectively. It provides an overview of your budget, tracks your expenses, and helps you save money. This system allows you to set financial goals, allocate funds to different categories, and monitor your progress. By using this system, you can gain better control over your finances and make informed decisions about your spending habits.


The EGGS N' MORE simple system is a streamlined approach to managing the operations of an egg-based food business. This system provides an overview of various aspects, including inventory management, sales tracking, and customer management. It helps in efficiently managing the procurement and storage of eggs, tracking sales and revenue, and maintaining customer records.


The TracERT is a simple contact tracing system with e-wallet is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline the contact tracing process while incorporating an electronic wallet feature. The contact tracing component of the system collects and stores relevant information, such as personal details and contact history, to quickly identify and notify potentially affected individuals. It automates the process, reducing the need for manual data entry and enabling faster response times.

Variety Store's - POS

The Vartiety Stores POS (Point of Sale) system is a comprehensive solution designed specifically for variety stores. It provides an overview of the key features and functionalities that help streamline the sales and inventory management processes. Overall, the Vartiety Stores POS system is designed to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and provide valuable insights for variety store owners, ultimately helping them run their businesses more effectively.

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Full-stack Developer